Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Connected Car Will Change Your Life and the World Automotive Industry

Connected car was developed and is here to revolutionize the automotive experience, so that the results delivered in an industry study conducted by global business strategy consulting firm, Ipsos Business Consulting.

Connected car is a new term that refers to the format of future cars are capable of self-steering and connected to the Internet network. As many people know, owning a car can mean spending big money, high stress levels and time driving such a long and tiring. Currently the automotive industry is on the verge of radical transformation that will bring the connected car as an advanced computing device that can be owned by everyone.

Per-Henrik Karlsson, Country Head Ipsos Business Consulting Korea explains, "The possibility of the expansion of business engineering faced by the automotive manufacturers should really be taken seriously and can not be underestimated at all." Furthermore Per-Henrik said, "In fact, company- companies automakers is a large-scale industrial enterprises, but to meet this future revolution era they are required to transform into data analysis firms. Because in the future soon, the car turns into a role of mobile devices, like tablets or smartphones that are now owned by many people. The challenge is huge and there is the possibility of a number of automotive companies on the current board so small eroded or lost altogether because it failed to transform. "

Lynn Morgan, Head Ipsos Business Consulting Europe agreed with Karlsson, added: "The presence of Connected Car, Connected Healthcare (health services are Internet-based) and the Internet of Things (goods are physically having Internet-based capability) marked the end of a number of technologies and major findings which have always been a part of people's lives since the days of the Industrial Revolution. Industrialists have never experienced a transformational change of this magnitude in the past. Now, we can see the traditional large manufacturers establish cooperation with companies of data, retailers and application developers. Some of them even bought technology companies as part of their strategy to prepare for the changes. All of these things will be fun for consumers who are prepared to witness technological developments on a large scale - the findings of technology that not too long ago was only known in the world of science fiction alone. "

Meanwhile, Douglas Cassidy, Head Ipsos Business Consulting Indonesia further expressed, "The next phase of this technological revolution present opportunities and challenges for Indonesia. The opportunities that exist show the possibility of this country is able to make the leap into the world of transformational efficiency in areas such as transportation management. While challenges do exist in efforts to establish a technology infrastructure to support the efforts of transformation that occurs as well as to boost economic growth to create prosperity for all members of society.


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