Saturday, September 17, 2016

Bajaj tire 3 in Jakarta, Forgotten But Needed

Although considered as public transport are outdated and often amused the driver due to the driving style that is difficult to guess the other riders, but in fact the presence of Bajaj tricycle is still in demand and it takes people in Jakarta.

"Bajai certainly will not be displaced or disappear from circulation in the Capital. Because as a transport vehicle environment is still desirable and necessary, even have a strong legal basis, "said Dharmaningtyas, Chairman of the Institute of Transportation Indonesia (Instran), in a public discussion on 'Reforming the Jakarta Transportation Probe Role Transport Environment," Case Study Transport Tricycle in Bangi Kopi Tiam, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta, yesterday (26/9)

Dharmaningtyas refers to Bylaw No. 4 yrs, 2014, which stated that the transport environment is a three-wheeled motorcycle without a home. "Thus the legal basis of environmental or transport freight tricycle was very strong. So there is no problem whatsoever with the provisions of the existing area, "he said.

Recognized or not the demand for transport services tricycle is still quite high. This was evident when the amount of freight tricycle that operates as much as 14,000 units. In fact, the value of the deposit every day to reach Rp 120,000, - to Rp 160,000, -

"Because of this transport is required mothers when shopping outlets, child - school children, people who travel in the near distance and others," said Darmaningtyas

According to him, if the rules of function or role is being established, including environmental transport and public transportation in the run, then chaos in the capital also will be biodegradable. Similar statement was expressed by a senior journalist Anton Chrisbianto.

The number of people who use public transportation in Jakarta from surrounding areas (Bodetabek) from year to year continues to increase.

If in 2010 the number of people take advantage of transport to Jakarta are still 21.5 million people, however, in 2015 the number has reached 47.5 million people.

The increasing number of people who traffic in Jakarta, the congestion is getting worse, including losses due to fuel beneficiaries vain to reach Rp 42.5 trillion. While the loss of health, productive time is useless, and air pollution reached Rp 15 trillion.

Public transport watchdog also asked the government to unequivocally and consistently execute their respective functions msing mapping modes. "Transport tricycle instance environment is maintained, but regulate the circulation area so as not to overlap with other transportation modes. Moreover, replacing it with a larger transport, "added Darmaningtyas.

On the other hand, a three-wheeled transport operators also must make changes in order to the increase in business and meet the desires and needs of customers in. By establishing a legal entity, for example, transport manager, it will be easier to apply for credit to banks when conducting fleet.

Another step is to conduct the fleet according to environmentally friendly principles. Wujudnya replace three-wheeled transport oil fueled with models powered by natural gas.


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