Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sakura reason Muffler Make Model Honeycomb

Honeycomb design became one of the innovations implementation effectiveness of the official exhaust manufacturer Yamaha, Sakura. This design is able to give a different look and look more sederhana.sehingga will be able to make you be struck with exhaust this one.

"It looks more simple and compact. In addition, the impression racingnya obvious," said Marketing PT Sakura Java Indonesia, Mustakim. recently

Interestingly, the design is said to increase perform rather than exhaust design in general."The performance of the models would greatly tested. Simpelnya body as a whole, where the exhaust so much shorter. So the performance can be increased. The trend for this model easier setting performance in front and stable (top, bottom, acceleration)," said Mustakim.

In addition to the above two advantages, Mustakim confirms that this design has the originality that would be difficult to duplicate. You see, to make the beehive motif requires laser cutting technology. So as to produce lattice size is very small.


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