Wednesday, September 28, 2016

RX King Multipurpose Red, Use Tank hollow

Yamaha RX King belongs Budiawan berlabur Raharjo of Semarang appear red. Mounts are included in the exhibition custom motorcycle Suryanation Motorland 2016 in Semarang is also fitted with various accessories, and the changes are quite twisted.

If most RX King was left with standard handlebars or will become a model racing style clasp, which is presumably even wear high touring models.

Presumably the impression that companionship is with thicker tires, front and rear, as required touring. Swallow its own brand models beancurd size 100 / 80-18 and 110 / 80-18.As it was, too, the legs are already model upside down though more rigid when it is used for touring. Then let the engine performance more beautiful, cooler was paired.

Well, the most prominent note is that the gas tank. The reason, as if perforated design. There are two perforation there, which apparently filled so that the inside so transparent. The hole was made glassy submarine. Imaginative results.

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